HEALTHCARE-EDUCATION industry offers the safest possible environment to its employees and to anyone entering their place of work. Healthcare-Education professionals deserve the greatest level of protection as they serve their communities and those under their care. Students and patients are in a vulnerable position during their stay and must also be afforded the correct levels of security from their caregivers and other members of the facilities. For these reasons, most Healthcare and Education facilities take security issues very seriously and their policies are becoming even more strict to mitigate new security risks and protect people, information and physical infrastructure (assets).


Most HEALTHCARE-EDUCATION establishments are considered “soft targets” in terms of security. Soft targets are high-density locations that include crowded facilities and areas. These soft targets generally have many access points, as well as limited security personnel or policies in place. Because of this, they may be more vulnerable to certain types of security risks. Threats of violence, theft and other crimes are real risks and students, teachers, doctors, nurses and patients are at their most vulnerable. Without any security measures, these establishments can be easy targets for theft of medical equipment or the personal belongings of patients and staff members, unwanted visitors or visitors under the influence can cause unneeded stress to patients. These facilities also have a large amount of confidential, private personal data to protect, and this sensitive information should be protected with a security plan.

D&G Security performs a complete risk assessment and implements the following security standards in order to improve the overall safety of the facility and everyone in it:


  • Security guards: Experienced, licensed and trained security guards to provide a physical presence at the facilities, controlling access points and keeping an eye on people entering HEALTHCARE-EDUCATIONand exiting throughout the day. The presence of security guards serves as a powerful and tangible deterrent to potential crime. Security guards can also respond quickly to disturbances and other issues in the building. Security guards are certified in Emergency First Aid CPR and AED to add a further level of resilience.
  • CCTV/Alarm Monitoring: A security camera system that includes CCTV monitoring serves as a preventative measure against crime within the facilities. It is also a powerful tool that can be used for gathering evidence of criminal activity, so the criminals can be properly prosecuted. It is crucial that a security team can respond to remote alarms at unmanned locations, due to the size of these facilities, this should be commonplace.
  • Background checks: It is essential that all employees of these facilities meet rigorous standards to provide high levels of care and safety. Background checks specially designed for these industries provide an extra layer of security. Background checks for their employees should include criminal checks, HEALTHCARE-EDUCATION identity verification, sex offender status checks, verification of past employment, verification of education background, and drug screenings.
  • Logistics security: It is often not just the staff, patients, and visitors that need security and monitoring. These establishments are also busy with a variety of deliveries and the warehousing of necessary and expensive supplies. D&G Security plans cover the logistical areas of the facilities as well by monitoring the traffic flow in the delivery and parking areas, and keeping an eye on any suspicious activity.
  • Access Control: The restriction of access to sensitive areas is crucial when mitigating risk.  Technological solutions help segregate areas allowing only those with prior authorization to enter. Access of employees, vendors or visitors is revoked immediately if potential threats are realized.
  • Pandemic Solutions:  With the high volume of ‘at risk’ people transiting through these facilities it is clear why COVID-19  countermeasures are crucial.  D&G Security assists in keeping the threat low through implementing thermal fever screening solutions, policy implementations and the issuing and HEALTHCARE-EDUCATIONthe enforcement of social distancing, PPE and vaccine mandates.

D&G Security is equipped to run the security program at your Healthcare and Education facilities. While managing the security program, our experts work to ensure you have the best in security standards and policies. We can protect your facilities, as well as your students, patients, staff, visitors, and the surrounding community. All of our staff meet local licensing laws and training requirements, and licenses.  We assign staff to locations based on their experience and physical compatibility.  Their experience and training allow them to identify and defuse situations before there is any further escalation.  Our management level consists of strong seasoned and hands-on experienced personnel who are capable of reacting well to difficult and stressful situations which are essential for your peace of mind.